
The facial nerve is the seventh cranial nerve and has motor, sensory and parasympathetic function. This set of paired nerves predominantly controls the muscles of facial expression and supplies taste sensation to the anterior two-thirds of the tongue. In addition the facial nerve supplies preganglionic parasympathetic fibers to several head and neck ganglia. A common problem associated with the facial nerve is Bell’s Palsy. 

 Facial nerve

There are twelve pairs of crainial nerves whose functions vary including; motor, sensory, secretomotor and parasympathetic. Each innervates specific regions of the head and neck, the only nerve to venture further than the neck is the vagus nerve. In named order the cranial nerves exit the brain through foramina and fissures in the skull.


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Facial nerve


Steroid 'key' to palsy treatment

09/12/2008 16:00
Bell's palsy can affect anyone, even Hollywood star George Clooney has suffered from the condition.  Now promising results have shown a cheap and widely-prescribed steroid to be the most effect new treatment.  For more information...

Sagging face: Bones to blame?

09/12/2008 15:48
A new theory suggests that sagging of the face, an inevitable fact of ageing, is actually down to bone movements and not just soft tissue changes.  It is predicted that cosmetic surgery to restore facial bones to their youthful positions will implicate a strong damage risk to the facial...

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